
UserProtect and RoleAssign: Get real! User access permissions weigh a ton!

Client management of users and roles via UserProtect and RoleAssign modules.

Yes we love the Drupal user registration and login system. But what if you want to allow a client role to manage their own users and roles with out endangering your admin user accounts, the client admin user accounts themselves and protect these administrative roles.

The short story is by using UserProtect and RoleAssign. Use the UserProtect module to protect user and roles as well as provide administrator overrides to specific users. Use RoleAssign to allow permissions to assign only specific roles to users. The tragic caveat is that a client user will need 'administer users permissions' to edit users and this exposes the 'User settings page' which may be to much power for a client to wield.

Read more if your are interested in my quick and dirty notes on UserProtect and RoleAssign in Drupal 6.x. -->

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