
Our new Drupal 7 site: this one for fun.

The New BBros.us site fresh for 2012, funner than ever.


• We committed to Drupal as our development platform at Drupal 4.7.

• We had built BBros.us in 4, 5, 6 and now 7.

• Here is my reflection on our new site. Caution adult content. ;) >>

Drupal Cumulus module for 3D Tagadelic clouds

The easy to use Drupal Cumulus module allows you to display your site's tags using Flash that rotates them in 3D. It works like a Tagadelic cloud, but is more visually exciting. The Cumulus module is easy to use, after installing you create and configure Cumulus Blocks

Drupal 7 Form in a Block or Node w/ PHP

A simple Drupal 7 Form in a Block example.

  • w/ basic form function
  • w/ validation and submission functions
  • errors return to the block area itself as well
  • note: Drupal 7 Form API ref
  • to remove error message from appearing w/in the element; remove the 2nd line w/ $temperrors and the following IF statement that uses it.

Alright Boys! Paste this PHP code into your block to get started:

Updated CrownedUp.com from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7

I upgraded CrownedUp.com from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7. Many of the modules we like to use have ripened in D7 so its time to start thinking about upgrading sites. This CrownedUp.com blog is ultra simple so I thought a good place to test pre client. I did realize that I actually had about a dozen extra modules enabled to start. It was a little bumpy on upgrade but worked fairly painlessly.

• To start w/ use the Upgrade process @ Drupal.org
• Read my short notes >>

Format Drupal WYSIWYG editor to match theme CSS, including paragraph spacing.

I need the format of the WYSIWYG, w/ CKeditor pane, to match the display when viewing a node. Specifically I need this for clients so that they understand what they are actually formatting. You know What You See Is What You Get. Often you have a semi nice WYSIWYG editor but this does not perfectly match the display of the node.

First this means I want to hide all the extra formatting that can be added by Cut & Paste into the editor. A simple Cut & Paste will add all sorts of style elements. Second I need to remove the extra padding at the bottom of paragraphs, so that a single line break is a single line break.

following are my quick notes:

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